Sandy Chahal Apps

Chat Chandigarh 1.0
Sandy Chahal
Chat Chandigarh is a open chat room forchandigarh and near by users. We also offer Login with Facebook.Search via Name, Email, Phone number.We also providing Advertisement option to target Chandigarh andNear by users.If you have any suggestion or business proposal, Feel free tocontact us any time.Email : [email protected]
Shop Chat for Chandigarh Girls 1.0
Sandy Chahal
Online shopping network with Open chatforGirls in Chandigarh.Shopping Categories : Dress, Shoes, Bags, etc.Write your needed in Chat, we will add products for you.
Map Chat 1.0
Sandy Chahal
Map Chat is Chat app with Register ,search,add friends features.You can Search by name, email etc.Realtime Chat with displaying Friend on Map.If you have any suggestion or feedback please contact usanytime.
Logo World - Get A New Logo 2.0
Sandy Chahal
Here are best 50 logos from S63IndiaDesigners. You can use as reference. It will help you inlearningLogo Designing.You can also Share on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.